Skin Tightening and Laser

Skin Tightening With Radio Frequency Energy​

Do you suffer from sagging/loose skin from weight loss, childbirth, or aging? We can help target those areas by using RF Technology (Radio Frequency). This ingenious new technology uses radio frequency and heat. Target areas can include sagging or loose skin under the neck, under arms, belly, thighs, and calves. Patients who have received multiple treatments have reported tighter, firmer skin in all areas treated.​

Pigment and Vascular Issues​

For patients looking to address facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin texture and/or photodamage IPL is the optimal solution. IPL treatment improves skin complexion, reduces skin irregularities and helps patients look years younger. IPL provides a “photofacial” that helps address age spots (red/brown pigmentation), sun damage, vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangiectasias), rosacea (redness) and freckles.​

The most common areas of treatment are zones that are regularly exposed to the sun. This often includes the face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands and arms.​

Looking and feeling confident are key to well-being.

If you like how you look, you feel more positive and content in your daily life. But environmental factors such as sun exposure, and physiological factors such as genetics and aging, all can play a role in changing your outward appearance. Shelly LaFrance, FNP offers an array of treatments and products that can rejuvenate your skin while restoring your youthful glow.

We offer IPL photofacials, chemical peels, lip filler treatments, permanent hair reduction, vein removal and many other services featuring our new, state-of-the-art laser machine.

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IPL Photofacial

IPL is short for intense pulsed light, treats broken capillaries (“spider veins”) and hyper-pigmentation (“age spots”) caused by age and sun damage. IPL also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which plumps up the skin and gives you a fresher look.​

The ideal candidate for IPL is someone with light skin who has sun damage, broken capillaries, and some laxity or lack of firmness, and wants to treat all three conditions at the same time.​

You may experience mild redness after the treatment but this will usually go away after a couple of hours or over night and can be covered by make up. For maximum results it is recommended that you do a course of at least 3 of the IPL treatments initially.​

Treatable skin problems:

  • Vascular Lesions

  • Brown spots/Freckles

  • Acne

  • Broken Capillaries

  • Rosacea

  • Port Wine Stains

  • Skin Lightening and Tightening

  • Body Contouring with Diet and Exercise 

IPL Hair Reduction

Free yourself from unwanted hair.

​Unwanted facial and body hair can be problematic for men and women of all ages. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair reduction gives you a fast and easy solution for permanent hair reduction so you can look and feel your best.​

Light-based hair reduction can work for most everyone, for all skin colors and most hair types. For men, laser hair reduction is great for permanently reducing chest and back hair for the cleaner, younger look you desire. For women, it’s a great alternative to creams and waxing for reducing hair on the face and body-including delicate areas around the lips and the bikini line.​

Rely on laser hair reduction for fast, easy treatment of unwanted hair on the:​

  • Face

  • Underarms

  • Arms 

  • Chest

  • Back

  • Bikini line

  • Legs

This is the permanent reduction of unwanted hair. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light, which destroys the root of the hair. Depending on the area to be treated it is best to have a minimum of 6 treatments for maximum results. This relatively painless treatment has been reported to feel like a gentle snap.

IPL Vein Reduction

Get fast, easy and comfortable vessel treatments.

​Make the move to beautifully clearer skin without broken vessels and spider veins on your face, nose, cheeks and chin. It’s easy with IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments that can work wonders on most skin types. Try an IPL treatment to clear away vascular skin imperfections-and rejuvenate your face without surgery and without downtime.​

A big improvement in your skin with no downtime.

IPL vessel treatment is fast, easy and comfortable-and delivers remarkable results without the healing downtime that can be associated with other types of invasive skin treatments. Pulses of filtered light target and erase broken vessels at the surface of your skin without harming surrounding tissue. As a result, you enjoy clearer skin that looks younger and fresher.