Pharmaceutical-Grade Supplements

You are unique. So are your health needs.​

To be an active participant in the care of your body, you need to know your options. Many people search out natural substances to maintain their health or to address particular health concerns when they become dissatisfied with conventional routes or realize the complementary nature of dietary supplements and functional foods. But, there is so much to know, and information-gathering can be confusing and overwhelming. We are here to help you learn. With Shelly LaFrance, you can become knowledgeable about natural paths to health and vitality.​

Whether you are looking to reduce the effects of stress on your body, support bone or joint health, or simply want to ensure optimal nutrition, you have choices. The right combination of formulas, taken at the right levels, will help you experience the results you’re after.​

Some of our most popular supplements include:

  • Xymogen

  • Orthomolecular

  • Protocol for life balance

  • Evergreen Herbs

  • Seroyal

leverage the Purest Ingredients to Support Your Body.